Important Information
- Be sure your mailing address on RAMweb is correct and reflects where you wish to have your diploma mailed. If it is not accurate, update this information prior to attending commencement. A charge will be incurred for reshipping a diploma due to an incorrect address.
- Expect the diploma to be mailed within six to eight weeks after the conferral of your degree.
- If a financial hold exists at the time of degree conferral, the diploma will be held until the account is paid.
- If more than one term has lapsed since the degree was conferred and a financial hold has been in place, you will need to update your address on RAMweb and email the Degree and Transfer Evaluation unit in order to have your diploma released.
- Walking in a particular commencement ceremony does not mean you have “graduated”. We will begin a reconfirmation/double check of all degree requirements once the grade submission date has passed prior to posting the conferral of your degree.
CSU Commencement Ceremonies
Get all the details related to walking in your Commencement Ceremony. Learn about the Commencement schedule, getting your Grad Pack (cap and gown), parking information, and more.
Please note: At the time of the commencement ceremony, if you do not have a pre-printed card with your name, you will need to fill one out manually and give it to the staff member there who is representing your college.