Lifelong learners (age 55 & older) may visit CSU resident instruction (RI) classes on a space available basis at no tuition cost. Course fees (i.e. transportation expenses, breakage fees, consumable supplies associated with labs, etc…) as published in the class schedule will be assessed to visitors.

Find all of the procedures and regulations for this program on the Lifelong Learner Class Visitation Request Form. To locate a class, visit our Class Schedule. To get a drop down menu of all departments, select the “Subject” space. Leave the “Course Number” space blank to get a list of all courses offered by the selected department. You can also search by “Keyword” to have all classes with that keyword in the title or course description returned. Select the instructor’s name to get their email address, or use the CSU directory. Once the form is completed, submit to the Office of the Registrar.

For information about accessing the virtual class resources on Canvas, see the Lifelong Learner Class Visitation & Canvas instruction sheet.