Late Registration FAQs
There are four instances for which a student needs to submit a Late Registration Change Request to the Office of the Registrar:
- When a student needs to add a course or switch sections of the same course past the add deadline for that course but before the last day of classes for the term.
- When a student needs to drop or withdraw from a Restricted Drop course past the drop deadline for that course but before the full-term course drop or withdrawal deadline.
- When a student needs to increase or decrease credits on a variable credit course after the add/drop deadline.
- When a student needs to change a course’s level for the same course after the add/drop deadline (i.e., PSY 295 – Independent Study to PSY 495 –Independent Study).
When a student wants to drop or withdraw from a course past the university drop or withdraw deadline, or when a student wants to make any of the changes listed above after 2:00 pm the day on which grades are due for the term, a Registration Appeal is required instead of a Late Registration Change Request and is available at
Late Registration Change Request forms submitted after the degree has been awarded will not be processed and require approval from the appropriate academic office for that student level.
The instructor of a course or an authorized staff member in the department through which the course is being offered may complete and sign a Late Registration Change Request (obtainable in the department). The student should only complete the Name, CSUID, Email, Student Level, Semester, and Year at the top of the form, as well as the “To Be Completed by the Student” section at the bottom of the form.
A $50 late registration fee will be assessed to any student submitting a Late Registration Change Request (except when increasing variable credits). If the late add was required due to documentable extenuating circumstances or university error, a $50 Late Fee Appeal may be submitted to ask that this charge be removed.
To be eligible for the College Opportunity Fund (COF) a course must be added before the course add deadline except in the following situations:
- When a department or institutional error kept the student from registering. In these cases, the instructor or department may check the appropriate space on the Late Registration Change Request so the course will be COF eligible. Examples of these situations are when students are given overrides but did not know they needed to register for the course, when overrides are given after the restricted add deadline and before the university census date, or when the wrong override has been provided to students keeping them from registering.
- When a student is adding an internship, independent study, group study, or supervised college teaching that could not be finalized in time for the student to register by the course add deadline. In these cases, the instructor or department may check the appropriate space on the Late Registration Change Request making the course COF eligible.
Graduate students wishing to add courses or change credits on a variable credit course after the add deadline for the course must take the Late Registration Change Request to the Graduate School for approval. Undergraduates and Professional students must bring the completed Late Registration Change Request to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
Late Registration Change Request Forms can only be obtained by Faculty and Staff on ARIESweb home page. You will look under Banner A-Z documents and find the form filed under L. The title will be listed as Late Registration Change Request Form-Electronic.