Appealing a Required Course

Students have the option to appeal to have an All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) course, degree requirement course, or University graduation requirement (total credits or upper division credits, AUCC GPA, etc.) waived or fulfilled with a substituted course. To do so, the student must complete the Appeal of University Graduation Requirements or AUCC Core Course Substitution form.

To file an appeal, students need to:

  • Obtain the form from the link above.
  • Document the request on the form, along with circumstances and reasoning for the appeal.
  • Sign the form.
  • Have their advisor sign the form and note whether they do or do not support the request.
  • Have the head of their major department sign the form and note whether they do or do not support the request.
  • Print off their Degree Progress Audit from RAMweb.
    • If the course was taken at another institution (credit received in transfer), include a course description or syllabus.
  • Submit the appeal to the Office of the Registrar.

The decision can take up to five weeks and will be emailed to the student.

Exceptions/Substitutions/Waiving Degree Requirements

Substitutions and waivers in the Degree Progress Audit (DARS) are called Exceptions. Completed exceptions will appear on the Degree Progress Audit as substitutions or waivers applied to your specific program requirements.

Each department is authorized to make exceptions to requirements within your Program of Study. However, they are only authorized to make those exceptions for your specific major, 2nd major, or minor requirements.

University requirements such as total credits, upper-division credits, and the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) substitutions and waivers will continue with the current process of filing the Appeal for University Graduation Requirements or AUCC Core Course Substitutions for decision by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs.  This also includes AUCC Category 4 (capstone/senior seminar) requirements.

If you have questions on how to obtain an exception or filing an appeal for AUCC/University Graduation requirements, contact your advisor.  Only authorized departmental staff members within a student’s major and minor departments have the authority to make Exceptions to your program requirements.

Excluding Courses From a Bachelor's Degree

Undergraduate students may enroll in graduate 500-level coursework that may be applied toward a graduate degree at Colorado State, provided the course work is not used to meet the bachelor’s degree requirements. 600 level courses are automatically excluded, and undergraduates may not enroll in 700 level courses.

Students can only exclude any course at the 500-level under this policy. Excluded courses are computed in the undergraduate grade point average if taken as an undergraduate student.

To exclude a course, students must fill out the Exclude 500-level Courses form and email it to the Degree and Transfer Evaluation Unit, fax it to (970) 491-2283 or bring it to Centennial Hall in person no later than the end of the term in which you take the excluded course.

Challenging CSU Courses for Credit

The opportunity to challenge the content of a course on the basis of an examination may be permitted. This option is at the discretion of the individual department and may exclude courses where a laboratory or practicum is an integral part of the course being challenged. A fee of $20.00 (subject to change) per credit attempted is assessed and is nonrefundable. Upon successful completion of an exam, a grade of satisfactory (S) is recorded on the student’s academic record. Unsuccessful attempts are not recorded.

A course may not be challenged under the following conditions:

  1. To satisfy the residence requirement for graduation.
  2. When the person seeking credit is not currently registered at Colorado State at the time the examination is administered.
  3. When the student has previously failed a placement or challenge exam for the course.

For additional information, please visit this link.