Current CSU Student Taking Courses Elsewhere
If you are planning on taking courses at an institution other than CSU, follow these steps to ensure a successful time away.
- Determine how the courses will be accepted in transfer. To do so, you will need to access Transferology.
- If Transferology does not have the desired institution or course listed, take the Transfer Course Equivalency Pre-Approval Form to the academic department which teaches the course you wish to receive credit for.
- The appropriate academic department must determine if the course(s) can be accepted as the desired equivalent.
- If the department approves the student’s request, the signed form must be returned to the Office of the Registrar prior to the course being transferred to CSU.
- If you wish to take courses at an International institution, you will need to have the Office of the Registrar evaluate the courses prior to leaving the country to determine how they will be accepted back in transfer. You may also need to coordinate with the Office of International Programs (depending on your educational experience and/or needs).
- Supply the Office of the Registrar with an English copy of the course description and/or syllabus of each course you wish to take at the International Institution.
- Send this information via email or bring it in person to the Office of the Registrar in Centennial Hall.
- Review of course descriptions and/or syllabi can take approximately 7-14 business days.
- You are responsible for ensuring an official transcript will be sent to the Office of the Registrar after the completion of the off-campus course work. No credit will be evaluated until an official transcript has been received.
- Regular academic courses completed with a “C-” or higher are generally accepted in transfer. Credit can be awarded for academic pass/fail courses in which a passing grade equivalent to a “C-” or higher is achieved. Because of the public health crisis, all courses awarded an academic pass during the spring of 2020 will be eligible for transfer credit, regardless of the passing grade equivalent at the awarding institution.