Continue your benefits each term.

An Enrollment Certification Request form must be completed each semester on the student’s RAMweb by navigating to Menu > Records > VA/Military Enrollment Certification Request. The form is sent to SCOs through RAMweb by selecting “Submit” once the form is completed.

Need to receive benefits while attending another school?

To receive benefits while attending another school, students must verify the other school is approved for GI Bill ® benefits and complete theSupplemental Enrollment Information Form. The form must be signed by the student’s advisor and returned by the advisor to

Upon receipt, a letter will be sent requesting certification of the course or courses listed by the institutions certifying official. It may be necessary to contact the certifying official at the other school to complete the process.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information is available at the official government website about education benefits offered by U.S. Veterans Affairs.