Enrollment & Degree Verification
Enrollment status is determined by the number of credits a student is enrolled in during the term in which certification is requested. Courses a student is auditing, or has withdrawn from are not included.
Enrollment Status
Undergraduate | Graduate |
Full-time: 12 or more credits | Full-time: 9 or more credits |
Three-quarter: 9-11 credits | Three-quarter:7-8 credits |
Half-time: 6-8 credits | Half-time: 5-6 credits |
Less than Half-Time: 5 credits or less | Less than Half-Time: 4 credits or less |
Official Verification of Enrollment
- Log onto RAMweb.
- Select the “Enrollment Verification Certificate” link in the Records section. This will take you to the student area of the National Student Clearinghouse website.
- Select “Obtain an enrollment certificate” to view and print an official verification.
This form is official and does not require a signature or seal from the University. It contains the dates of the term, student status, and anticipated graduation date, and it is specific to each student. It may be submitted to loan, insurance, or other requesting companies, as well as to the military as proof of enrollment.
Enrollment Verification Certificates are also available directly through the National Student Clearinghouse website for individuals without RAMweb access.
When is my verification available?
Enrollment Verification Certificates will be available the first full week of the semester and updated after the add/drop, course withdrawal, and end of term periods. Refer to our registration dates for a listing of the schedule change periods. Students can also verify registration before the term begins by printing their registration schedules from RAMweb and submitting them to requesting entities accompanied by the Registration Verification Letter.
Other Enrollment Verification
In addition, the Office of the Registrar staff will gladly complete other forms such as: good student discounts forms, Canadian scholarship forms, and forms asking disciplinary questions. We can often complete such forms while you wait, although some may take up to one week (five business days) to complete. You can bring these forms to Centennial Hall, fax them to us, scan and email them, or mail them to the Office of the Registrar.
Degree Verification
Degree conferral occurs three times each year, after the conclusion of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. The conferral date, which will be posted on the official transcript and the diploma, is when the degree is considered officially awarded. A degree is a credential; there are four ways to provide evidence of that credential:
- Official transcripts. For instructions on ordering official transcripts, refer to the Transcript Ordering page. If you are an upcoming graduate, you will want to ask for the transcript to be held pending final grades and conferral of the degree.
- Diploma. If you are graduating in the current semester, your official CSU diploma will be processed and mailed to the address in the system within 4-6 weeks after the grade submission deadline. If you need an additional copy or if you would like to order a replacement copy, please see the Diplomas section for instructions on how to order reprints of your diploma.
- National Student Clearinghouse. You can access degree verifications through the National Student Clearinghouse; select the “Verify a Degree, Past Attendance or Certification” link. If you cannot access this site, contact our office.
- Formal Letter of Completion (Award Letter) or Upon Completion Letter (prior to graduation). You may order a Completion/Award Letter directly with the Office of the Registrar. Requests for letters are not available for same day pick-up and will take a minimum of 2-3 business days to generate.
- In an effort to ensure all graduating students are processed in a timely and efficient manner, the Formal Letter option is not available to graduating students once the semester has ended (beginning of final exam week in the fall/spring semesters).
- In order to process a request for an Upon Completion Letter (issued prior to official graduation), a student must show registration for all remaining coursework needed for degree completion. In other words, if you are graduating in the summer semester, your summer registration at CSU must be on record/processed before the Degree and Transfer Evaluation unit can issue a letter.
- International students who need to send proof to their sponsors should confirm with the Office of International Programs if this information will be or already has been provided. If not, then you would show proof via the Official Transcript option.
The documents listed above are available to students who have completed all of their degree requirements and have had their degrees conferred.
Conferral Dates
Fall | 2019 | 12/21/2019 |
Spring | 2020 | 5/16/2020 |
Summer | 2020 | 8/7/2020 |
Fall | 2020 | 12/19/2020 |
Spring | 2021 | 5/15/2021 |
Summer | 2021 | 8/6/2021 |
Fall | 2021 | 12/18/2021 |
Spring | 2022 | 5/15/2022 |
Summer | 2022 | 8/5/2022 |
Fall | 2022 | 12/18/2022 |
Spring | 2023 | 5/14/2023 |
Summer | 2023 | 8/4/2023 |
Fall | 2023 | 12/17/2023 |
Spring | 2024 | 5/12/2024 |
Summer | 2024 | 8/2/2024 |