It can take approximately six to eight weeks to post your degree to your Official Transcript (or to “confer” your degree). The process of conferral officially begins the Monday after the Grade submission/Grade due date.
Diplomas are mailed approximately 10 weeks after the degree conferral date to the mailing address on file in your RAMweb account. International students can have their diplomas mailed to an international address by submitting an international address change in RAMweb and choosing to “set as a mailing address.” Address updates can be made through the “Change My Address/Telephone Number” link in RAMweb. Please note: an incorrect address will delay the delivery of your diploma and a fee will be charged for the re-mailing process. Students will be notified through their CSU email account if their diploma is returned to the University. All undeliverable diplomas returned to CSU will be retained in the Office of the Registrar for one year.
Diploma Name
As you approach graduation, one of your Registration Ready items in RAMweb will be entering your preferred diploma name. This will also be the name used in the Commencement Program. If you want your preferred first name to be used, you can enter it in the “First Name” field when completing this Registration Ready step. CSU reserves the right to review and deny any diploma names deemed inappropriate.
Updates made may not be reflected in the commencement program. The commencement program is published prior to the university graduation proceedings. For updates to be reflected in the program, changes must be submitted six weeks prior to the graduation ceremony. Adjustments made closer to graduation will be reflected on your diploma, but not in the commencement program.
NOTE: Graduates with a financial hold will not receive their diploma until the hold is resolved. For information regarding financial holds, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at (970) 491-6321.
Diploma Never Received
If it has been more than 10 weeks after graduation, and you have not yet received your diploma, contact our office at (970) 491-4860 or email the Diploma Unit.
We ship your diploma to the mailing address in your RAMweb account. If your diploma was undeliverable and returned to our office due to incorrect mailing address, there is a fee to cover the cost of returning your diploma. All undeliverable diplomas returned to CSU will be retained in the Office of the Registrar for one year.
If you would like to request a re-mailing for this diploma, email the Diploma unit for a discount code for our eStore.
Diploma Orders - Reprints
Diploma reprints for Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D. or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees can be ordered on our eStore. Students who have been awarded the professional degree for a Doctor of Veterinary medicine may order a 14″ x 17″ diploma using the same site.
Refer to the site for processing and printing fees, shipping options, and the time required to process the request.
Please be sure RAMweb indicates your current mailing address. If you graduated more than one year ago, you will need to updated your address in RAMrecords.
If you would like your diploma to reflect a different name, enter the name you would like to show in the “How would you like your name printed on your diploma?” field. CSU reserves the right to review and deny any diploma names deemed inappropriate.
Graduate Certificates
Graduate Certificate reprints can be ordered through the eStore. Only certificates completed at the graduate level are issued a printed certificate. Undergraduate certificates are documented on their official transcript.
Refer to the eStore for processing and printing fees, shipping options, and the time required to process the request.
Please be sure RAMweb indicates your current mailing address. If you completed your graduate certificate(s) more than one year ago, you will need to update your address in RAMrecords.
What is an Apostille? An “authentication,” sometimes called an apostille, may be required for a document sent to a foreign country. The apostille simply verifies the notary whose signature appears on a specific document is in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State. Note that an apostille does not verify the authenticity of the document itself.
- Colorado State does not provide apostilles but will prepare a special letter attesting to the authenticity of the diploma and/or transcript which is necessary for the apostille process.
- The letter is notarized within the Office of the Registrar, attached to the original diploma or transcript, and mailed to the student (or designated person).
- Once you receive the letter you must then take the documents to the Colorado Secretary of State and make a request for an apostille to be prepared.
Refer to the Colorado Secretary of State website for instructions on submitting the notarized documents to their office.
How do I request notarization of a diploma and/or transcript?
Submit a notarization request through our eStore.
For Notarization of a Diploma:
An original diploma is required for notarization. If an original diploma is not provided to the Office of the Registrar for notarization, select one of the diploma reprint order options.
For Notarization of an Official CSU Transcript:
From the eStore, select the notarization option. You will be able to select adding an Official Transcript to your notarization request. The fee is $20 per transcript, in addition to the one-time $25 notarization processing charge.
For Notarization of both a Diploma and an Official CSU Transcript:
Select both of these options on the eStore. If notarization of both diploma and an official transcript are requested, only one notarization processing fee of $25.00 will be required.
Notarized documents will be mailed to the address indicated on the form. Please allow a minimum of 15-20 business days for processing the request, unless an expedited method of shipping for an additional fee is selected.
For questions, email the Diploma Office or call (970) 491-4860 for assistance.