Step One: Apply to CSU

Apply for admission to Colorado State University. Send official transcripts from all previous training directly to CSU at [email protected] from each previous training institution, including (but not limited to) former colleges, universities, test scores that grant college credits, and military training.

For military transcripts:

Step Two: Activate your VA benefits

New students are those who have not used VA benefits before at any institution of higher education. If you skip this step, the VA will not pay anything.

To apply for benefits, you will need to complete the appropriate VA application through the website

Understand the Standards of Satisfactory Progress.

Step Three: Complete your paperwork

Complete an Enrollment Certification Request form on the student’s RAMweb by navigating to Menu > Records > MilVet Portal > select semester in the dropdown > “Use my benefit” button. If you don’t see this option, you should see a link to a form to request access to the MilVet Portal. You will receive an email from [email protected] once your access has been granted.

These forms are sent to School Certifying Officials (SCOs) once they are completed. You will be advised if there are any additional requirements once your documents have been reviewed, so please be sure to check your CSU student email address for next steps or data requests.

Step Four: Apply for Financial Aid

You may be eligible for other types of financial aid while receiving your Veterans Educational Benefits. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). CSU’s school code is 001350.

For other financial aid questions, please visit the Office of Financial Aid

Step Five: Apply for & Activate COF

To learn more about applying for and activating COF, refer to the Financial Aid’s COF website

Step Six: Meet with a CSU Academic Advisor within your major

Review your degree plan to ensure your course selection is in alignment with your program of study. If you are bringing credits from another source, our office will request the evaluation of any official transcripts you have sent to CSU.

Undergraduate Students should review their Degree Progress Audit via RAMweb.

Graduate Students should work with their Faculty Advisor as well as follow the processes for filing a GS-6 (See Step 3: Program of Study)

Step Seven: Talk with a Veteran Career Counselor

Meet with a Veteran Career Counselor to discuss your career goals, look at the job market, and discuss options on completing a career exploration assessment.

To sign up for Veteran Success Services and to set up an appointment, e-mail Adult Learner and Veteran Services.

Step Eight: Last, but not least

Enjoy utilizing your VA Education Benefits, and remember to fill out a worksheet EVERY semester.

Check out our Continuing Benefits Students page for additional information