Incomplete Grades
At the discretion of the instructor, a temporary grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be give to a student who demonstrates they could not complete the requirements of the course due to circumstances beyond the student’s control and not reasonably foreseeable.
Note: The student should not register for the course a second time (to complete the coursework). If the student needs access to Canvas to complete the course, the instructor must grant access.
A student must be passing a course at the time an incomplete is requested unless the instructor determines there are extenuating circumstances to assign an incomplete to a student who is not passing the course.
When an instructor assigns an “I”, they shall specify in writing the requirements the student shall fulfill to complete the course as well as the reasons for granting an “I” if the student is not passing the course. The instructor shall retain a copy of this statement in their grade records and provide copies to the student and the department head or their designee.
After successful completion of the makeup requirements, incomplete grades will be changed by the instructor of record or the department head in the absence of the instructor of record.
After one year, an incomplete will be automatically changed to an “F” (failure) unless the course has been previously completed and a grade change submitted by the instructor or the department head. The temporary grade of “I” must be changed to a grade (e.g., A, B, C, D, F, S, U) prior to the student being awarded their diploma from Colorado State University.