Student Privacy – FERPA
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 sets forth requirements regarding the release of and access to student records. Under FERPA, educational records are defined as records directly related to a student and maintained by an educational agency/institution or by a party acting for the agency institution.
FERPA gives students the right to:
- Inspect and review their records.
- Request to amend their records.
- Limit disclosure of public/directory information.
- Requires students to give their permission to release private information.
Public/Directory Information
This information may be released upon request and includes the following:
- Student Name
- E-mail Address
- Telephone Number
- Major Field of Study
- Classification Level (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.)
- Dates of Attendance
- Current or Previous Enrollment Status
- Anticipated Date/Term of Graduation and Expected Degree(s)
- Honors and Degrees Awarded
- Participation in Official Recognized Activities and Sports
- Height and Weight of Athletic Team Members
- Video and Photographic Images of Students with the exception of the Official CSU Identification Photograph
Students may choose what directory information is displayed in the printed and online CSU directories through RAMweb. Once they log in, students will click on the “Manage My Student Record” link under the Records heading, then the “Change my Directory Preferences” link.
Students may also request complete confidentiality of their directory information by completing the Confidentiality of Directory Information Form. This form can also be used to remove the full confidentiality of their directory information. For more information about implications of having this confidentiality added to a student’s record, please review the Confidentiality of Directory Information Form or contact the Office of the Registrar.
Private Information
Under FERPA, the following information is considered to be private information, and it can only be released with student permission:
- Grades
- Social Security Number
- Class Schedule
- Current Mailing Address
- Residency
- Class Rank
- Age
- Birth Date
- Place of Birth.
Students can give permission for private information to be released in two ways using the Student Permission to Release Academic Records Form:
- Students can grant permission to release any available academic records related to academic advising (e.g., grades, academic standing, etc.) that the University maintains to a named recipient for one academic year
- If a student chooses this option they need to submit the completed form to their academic advisor.
- Students can grant permission for the release of one specific document (e.g., transcript) to a named recipient.
- If a student chooses this option they need to submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar.
Students can also provide access to FAMweb so support givers can log in to see information the student has chosen to provide. If the information needed is not available through FAMweb, support givers should ask their student to provide the Student Permission to Release Academic Records Form. If the student is unwilling or unable to provide this document, parents can contact the Dean of Student’s Office to request a Parent Affidavit to request access to student information; this is only an option if they claim the student as a legal dependent on their most recent Federal Income Tax filing.