Steps to Graduation

Undergraduate Students
Once you have earned 85 or more hours, you will be prompted to answer questions in Registration Ready regarding your anticipated graduation date. Be sure to read through these questions and verify the correct graduation term is entered.
If you have already completed the Registration Ready process for the term and need to change the date entered, contact the Degree and Transfer Evaluation unit via email, phone: (970)491-4860, or in person in Centennial Hall.
In the term you are going to complete all your degree requirements, meet with your advisor/academic success coordinator to review your Degree Progress Audit (DARS) and sign your Contract for Completion of Major/Minor. If you are signing a Contract for Completion of Major/Minor in any given semester and you are planning on registering for a course(s) in a future term, you may encounter unintended consequences once your degree is conferred. Please refer to the Contract for Completion of Major/Minor page for additional information.
Departmental curriculum requirements are checked by the department head of the first major, second majors, minors, and/or certificates. Requests for waivers or substitutions for departmental requirements must be approved by the advisor and department head. Check the University Requirements in your Degree Progress Audit to ensure you are not missing any other requirements for graduation (i.e. 120 credits, 42 upper division, 30 credits in residence, and 15 of the last 30 credits at CSU).
Requests for waivers or substitutions of Graduation Requirements or the All-University Core Curriculum must be submitted through the University AUCC Core Course Substitution/University Graduation Requirement Appeal form. This form must be signed by the advisor and department head. Once you have a completed form, submit to the Office of the Registrar.
If you are planning on transferring in coursework from another post-secondary institution in order to meet the requirements for degree completion, you should email the Degree & Transfer Evaluation unit for assistance. It is very important all grades/transcripts are received by the end of the 4th week after the semester has ended. If grades/transcripts are not received within this time frame, you will experience a delay regarding the formal posting of your official graduation for that semester as well as delays printing your diploma.
Note: if you’re a Fresh Start student returning to CSU, please see the Admissions website for pertinent information.
Graduate Students
Follow the Steps to Student Degree as a general guideline of what to expect and discuss your program and graduation requirements with your department. It is important to note that departments and programs may require additional items in order for successful completion of the degree.
The GS25: Application for Graduation Form is submitted to the Graduate School by the deadline date of the semester that you intend to complete your degree requirements.

Degree Conferral
Degree conferral only occurs three times each year, after the conclusion of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. The conferral date is the date which will be posted on the official transcript and the diploma. This is the date when the degree is considered officially awarded. A degree is a credential. There are three documents that provide evidence of that credential: an official transcript, a diploma, and a formal letter of completion from the Office of the Registrar.
For additional information, visit our Degree Options page.