Graduate students are already accepted into their respective departments/programs and do not require this form. If you are a graduate student who would like to change specializations within your current program or you would like to change your program entirely, contact the Graduate School for more information.
Major / Minor / Concentration / Certification Changes

Current Students
Undergraduate Major, Minor, Concentration, or Certificate Changes are accomplished through the Academic Program Change tool. This completely electronic tool streamlines the major, minor, concentration, and certificate change process. For additional information on the tool, contact the Office of the Registrar.
If your Academic Program Change request has expired, contact the department of the program you are trying to add and request they resend the request. You have two weeks from the initial request to approve in RAMweb (Menu > Records > Manage Student Record > Academic Program Change) before it expires.
Newly Admitted and Returning Students
Undergraduate students who are newly admitted or readmitted (returning student) for a future term can change their primary major through the Office of Admissions before the first day of the term. The easiest way to change your major through Admissions is as follows:
Newly Admitted Students (Freshmen, Transfers, Second Bachelors) and Returning Students:
- Log in to RAMweb
- In the Ram Start section, select “Admissions Dashboard”
- Navigate to the tab labeled “My Application”
- Select “Request Major Change”
- Complete and submit the request form
Please allow 1-2 business days for major changes to be reflected in RAMweb and in the dashboard after they are processed by Admissions. You will be notified if Admissions is unable to change your major to the major you’ve requested.
Returning Students: If you are returning to the same primary major you had during your last term at CSU, we will restore the additional majors, concentrations, minors and certificates you had that term if they are still available for study. If you are returning to a different primary major than you had during your last term at CSU, you will need to work with the appropriate academic department to add those additional majors, concentrations, minors and certificates that you are planning to complete.

Registration Restrictions
If a student needs to register for a course that has Major, Minor, or Concentration restrictions prior to their Academic Program Change being processed in the Office of the Registrar, they should ask the course instructor or teaching department for a Major, Minor, Concentration Override so they can register for the restricted class.
Graduate Students