Students who have taken AP courses administered by CollegeBoard in high school and have taken an AP examination may receive university credit. Visit the College Board site for AP Exam Dates.

Request for re-evaluation of a specific equivalency listed in the chart will not be considered, with the exception of the African American Studies exam with a score of 4 or 5. Decisions of the department are considered final. Generic credit for the AP Capstone may be re-evaluated by the teaching department in which the Capstone most closely aligns for consideration of a direct equivalency or department elective of lower-division credit. Please see the link below for the equivalencies.

No credit is given for an exam with a score of one or two.


Note Regarding the All-University Core Curriculum

All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) < Colorado State University (

Credits earned in the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP), the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) can be used to satisfy particular All-University Core Curriculum Requirements.



An official copy of any AP (Advanced Placement) exam must be sent to Colorado State University. Unofficial copies will not be accepted. Requests to have scores sent to CSU may be submitted through:

AP Services
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
Phone: 609-771-7300
Toll Free: 888-225-5427
CSU Code: 4075
Email: [email protected]

AP Equivalencies

AP Examinations Score Credit Hours CO gtPathway Equivalency
African American Studies 5, 4 3-6 SS3, HI1 with approval ETST1++3C, HIST+++ (See Dept)
3 3 SS3 ETST1++3C
AP Capstone: Seminar + Research 5, 4 6 IU 1++
Art History 5,4 6 ART 110, 111
3 3 ART 110
Biology 5 8 SC1 LIFE 102, 103
4 4 SC1 LIFE 102
3 4 SC1 LIFE 1++3L
Calculus AB 5, 4, 3 5 MA1 MATH 124, 160
Calculus BC 5, 4 8 MA1 MATH 160, 161
3 5 MA1 MATH 124, 160
Calculus Sub Score 5, 4, 3 5 MA1 MATH 124, 160
Chemistry 5 9 SC1 CHEM 111, 112, 113, 114
4 5 SC1 CHEM 107, 108
3 4 SC1 CHEM 1++3L
Chinese Language & Culture 5 15 AH4 LCHI 101, 200, 201
4 10 AH4 LCHI 101, 200
3 5 LCHI 101
Comparative Government & Politics 5,4 3 SS1 POLS 241
3 3 SS1 POLS 1++3C
Computer Science A 5,4 4 CS 163
3 4 CS 1++
Computer Science Principles 5, 4, 3 3 CS 1++
English Language & Composition 5 6 CO1/2 CO 130, 150
4 3 CO2 CO 150
3 3 CO1 CO 130
English Literature & Composition 5 6 AH2/CO2 E 140, CO 150
4 6 AH2/CO1 E 140, CO 130
3 3 AH2 E 140
Environmental Science 5,4,3 3 SC1 NR 1++3L
European History 5,4 6 HI1 HIST 100, 101
3 3 HI1 HIST 100
French Language & Culture 5 9 AH4 LFRE 200, 201, 300
4 6 AH4 LFRE 200, 201
3 3 AH4 LFRE 200
German Language & Culture 5 9 AH4 LGER 200, 201, 300
4 6 AH4 LGER 200, 201
3 3 AH4 LGER 200
Human Geography 5,4 3 SS2 GR 100
3 3 SS2 GR 1++3C
Italian Language & Culture 5 9 AH4 LITA 200, 201, 3++
4 6 AH4 LITA 200, 201
3 3 AH4 LITA 200
Japanese Language & Culture 5 15 AH4 LJPN 101, 200, 201
4 10 AH4 LJPN 101, 200
3 5 LJPN 101
Latin 5 9 AH4 LLAT 2++3B (6), LLAT 3++ (3)
4 6 AH4 LLAT 2++3B
3 3 AH4 LLAT 2++3B
Macroeconomics 5, 4, 3 3 SS1 ECON 204
Microeconomics 5, 4, 3 3 SS1 ECON 202
Music Theory 5, 4, 3 3 AH1 MU 111
Music Theory Aural 5, 4, 3 0 No Credit
Music Theory Nonaural 5, 4, 3 0 No Credit
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 5, 4, 3 5 SC1 PH 121
Physics 2: Algebra-Based 5, 4, 3 5 SC1 PH 122
Physics C: Mechanics 5, 4, 3 5 SC1 PH 141
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 5, 4, 3 3 SC1 PH 1++3L
Precalculus 5, 4, 3 5 MA1 MATH 117, 118, 124, 125, 126
Psychology 5, 4 3 SS3 PSY 100
3 3 SS3 PSY 1++3C
Spanish: Language & Culture 5 9 AH4 LSPA 200, 201, 300
4 6 AH4 LSPA 200, 201
3 3 AH4 LSPA 200
Statistics 5, 4 3 MA1 STAT 201
3 3 MA1 STAT1++1B
Studio Art: Drawing 5, 4, 3 3 ART 1++
Studio Art: 2-D Design 5, 4, 3 3 ART 1++
Studio Art: 3-D Design 5, 4, 3 3 ART 1++
Government & Politics: U.S. 5,4 3 SS1 POLS 101
3 3 SS1 POLS 1++3C
U.S. History 5,4 6 HI1 HIST 150, 151
3 3 HI1 HIST 150
World History 5,4 6 HI1 HIST 170, 171
3 3 HI1 HIST 171

All examination information is current as of September 7, 2023.